Editorial Style


We're looking to be friendly and also authoritative, comprehensive and also concise. We use the active voice where possible to help guide teams to action. We don't always get it right, though. If you find something that could be clearer or punchier, feel free to send us a merge request!

What is a Practice?

A practice is an activity that helps teams achieve specific goals. It's not just an idea; it's something that you do.

A practice must be

  • Empowering - It helps teams discover and deliver iteratively.
  • Concise - It can be read in a few minutes.
  • Agnostic - It doesn't require the team to follow a specific project management framework.
  • Proven - It has been tested in the real world by the practice author.

A practice should be

  • Approachable - It can be understood by someone who's not an expert in project management.
  • Visual - It includes images and videos.
  • Accessible - It includes alt text for images and captions for videos.
  • Novel - It isn't already covered by another practice.
  • Deep - It provides links to related resources, examples, and other materials for readers who want to explore further.
  • Structured - It consists of specific, discrete steps.
  • Replicable - It can be repeated across a variety of situations.
  • Learned - It is not innate knowledge but rather habituated — and thus teachable!

Gathering Feedback

As a community, we strive to provide kind and constructive feedback on your PR.

If a pull request doesn't meet the "must be" guidelines, we may ask that the practice be updated before it's merged. If a pull request doesn't meet the "should be" guidelines, we may merge the pull request and add an issue for future improvements to the practice.

Again, thank you so much for your interest and support! We look forward to enhancing the Open Practice Library.

Except where noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This site is graciously hosted by Netlify