Continuous Integration

Submit small, frequent changes instead of large, infrequent changes
A practice ofFOUNDATION
Contributed by

Tim Beattie

Ryan DeBeasi

Edited by
Published August 10, 2018

What Is Continuous Integration?

With Continuous Integration (CI), developers submit small, frequent changes instead of large, infrequent changes. When another developer accepts the changes, automated tests and build steps run to ensure that the code works as expected. This action is completed frequently, many times a day with automation running each time thus insuring the code base can Continuously Integrate.

Why Do Continuous Integration?

  • Automated testing reduces busy work and improves software quality.
  • Small, regular code commits reduce the number of integration problems.
  • Rapid feedback loops make it easier for new contributors to get started.
  • It's fun! Shipping of functional software in small increments is more enjoyable than waiting for someone to manually test a giant code change.

How to do Continuous Integration?

The tests and build steps are typically run in an automation server such as Jenkins or Travis. There are also cloud native/kubernetes solutions such as Tekton.

Look at Continuous Integration

Links we love

Check out these great links which can help you dive a little deeper into running the Continuous Integration practice with your team, customers or stakeholders.

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