Cynefin Framework

Understand context complexity to make better decisions.
A practice ofDECIDE
Contributed by

Moises Romero

Published October 28, 2024

What Is Cynefin Framework?

The Cynefin Framework is a sense-making model that categorizes situations into five domains:

  • Clear: Cause-and-effect relationships exist. Best practices and standard operating procedures are effective.
  • Complicated: Cause-and-effect relationships can be determined through analysis. Multiple right answers exist. Expert analysis and good practices are necessary.
  • Complex: Cause-and-effect relationships are only apparent retrospectively. Experimentation and adaptation are necessary.
  • Chaotic: No clear cause-and-effect relationships exist. Immediate action is required to stabilize the situation.

Confused/Aporetic: The situation is unclear, requiring more information to determine the domain, or deliberate confusion in order to aid innovation.

Why Do Cynefin Framework?

  • Improved decision making: Helps leaders choose the most appropriate response to a situation based on its complexity.
  • Enhanced adaptability: Enables organizations to respond effectively to changing circumstances.
  • Better risk management: Helps identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.
  • Improved collaboration: Fosters better communication and understanding among team members.

How to do Cynefin Framework?

  1. Sense: Observe the situation and gather information.
  2. Categorize: Determine which domain the situation belongs to (clear, complicated, complex, chaotic, or confusion).
  3. Respond: Select the appropriate response based on the domain:
    • Clear: Sense-Categorize-Respond. Follow best practices.
    • Complicated: Sense-Analyze-Respond. Analyze the situation and apply expert knowledge.
    • Complex: Probe-Sense-Respond. Experiment and adapt.
    • Chaotic: Act-Sense-Respond. Act to stabilize the situation and then move to a more complex or complicated domain.
    • Confusion/Aporetic: Probe to understand the situation better and then categorize it.
  4. Learn: Reflect on the outcomes and adjust your approach as needed.

Links we love

Check out these great links which can help you dive a little deeper into running the Cynefin Framework practice with your team, customers or stakeholders.

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