
Looking to the future
A practice ofDISCOVERY
Contributed by

Alessandro Grossi

Published April 09, 2021

What Is Futurespective?

Futurespective is the exercise to place ourselves in the future by imagining that our goals have been reached. They start such a retrospectives by discussing the team goals to ensure that team members build a common understanding. The goals are formulated and written down so that they are visible for everybody.

Optionally teams can write down which benefits they got from reaching their goals. If team like to party they can even do a small celebration for having reached the goals, which can help to make teams aware of the importance of reaching it.

Why Do Futurespective?

This practice fit for every context. You can predict the future, a little bit. You can learn about your wounds and scars and negativity, as you can learn about your hopes and positivity and good experiences.

SMART Goals, first of all. Be careful to not have too many actions coming out of the futurespective. It helps when teams agree to only do the actions that are needed now to get started. There will be more retrospectives where teams can reflect and define those actions that will be most valuable to do at that time.

How to do Futurespective?

How long are we looking ahead? Is up to you. With regards a typical agile project see below some advice:

- 1 sprint

- 1 project

- 1 milestone

- a pain

Close your eyes and imagine you are there.

Steps for a successful futurespective:

  1. Setup your board.
  2. Step forward.
  3. Look back at the past.
  4. Analyze the gap.
  5. Step forward into the future again.
  6. Look back at the past and find your improvements.
  7. Vote.

Look at Futurespective

Links we love

Check out these great links which can help you dive a little deeper into running the Futurespective practice with your team, customers or stakeholders.

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