Contribution Guide

Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to contribute. This project relies on an active and involved community, and we really appreciate your support.

Code of Conduct

This project is governed by our Code of Conduct. All participants are expected to uphold this code. Violations of the code can be reported by contacting the project team at

Getting Started

To let us know about something that you'd like to see added or improved, open an issue on GitHub.

To contribute content, log into the CMS, or click the "add new practice" or "improve this practice" links throughout the site. For more information, see Editorial Style and Using the CMS. Or you can even contribute to funding the Open Practice Library.

To learn more about contributing code, see

We look forward to working with you to move the Open Practice Library forward!

Except where noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This site is graciously hosted by Netlify