



Foundational practices focus on creating a team culture, collaborative environments, and technical practices.

These support fast and iterative journeys through the other parts of the loop.

Without the foundation, teams cannot reach sustainable, continuous delivery.



Tap into the wisdom of crowds

15/5 Reports

15/5 Reports

Reporting for people who don't have time for reports

Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

Identify insights, patterns and trends in research and ideas

Architectural Decision Records (ADR)

Architectural Decision Records (ADR)

Open & Transparent Decision History

Behavior-Driven Development

Behavior-Driven Development

Creating a shared understanding of requirements in product teams



Visualisation of work left to do within a specified time period

C4 Architecture

C4 Architecture

Allows for simple layers of abstraction for different components of an architecture design

Candy or Swag

Candy or Swag

Demonstrate the value of open organization principles like collaboration and transparency

Celebrating Failure

Celebrating Failure

Raise the team's collective awareness of product failure root causes



Foster deeper connections and belonging with simple questions

Collaborative Pathways

Collaborative Pathways

Turning shared purpose into shared results

Confidence Voting

Confidence Voting

Gains consensus around a team's agreement or disagreement on the current activity, event or questions



A software package that contains everything the software needs to run.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery

Automated testing and releasing of software.

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment

Deploying changes more frequently to get faster end-user feedback.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Submit small, frequent changes instead of large, infrequent changes

Daily Standup

Daily Standup

A short time-boxed synchronization of the team activities that occurs in a cadence determined by the team

Defence in Depth

Defence in Depth

Layering security controls through your application

Definition of Done

Definition of Done

Shared knowledge and understanding of what it means for a work item to be done by a team

Definition of Ready

Definition of Ready

Shared knowledge regarding what it means for a work item to be ready to be worked on

Double Diamond

Double Diamond

A structured approach to tackle challenges in four phases, from exploring to taking focused actions.

An Elephant in the Room

An Elephant in the Room

To surface and address unspoken issues for improved team dynamics and progress.

Establish Shared Principles

Establish Shared Principles

Principles Over Practices



Save everything as code - configuration, infrastructure and pipelines

Feature Toggles

Feature Toggles

AKA Feature Flags/Bits/Flipping/Controls

Five Whys (5 Whys)

Five Whys (5 Whys)

Get past the symptoms of a problem to the root cause

Force Field Analysis - Force Field Map

Force Field Analysis - Force Field Map

Understanding change/goals



An alternative to OKRs (Objective Key Results) for those that think in experiments



If it’s not in Git, it’s not real.

GROW Model for 1-2-1 Coaching

GROW Model for 1-2-1 Coaching

The purpose of coaching is to unlock people's potential to maximise their performance, facilitate personal and professional development . Here's a tool to structure your coaching interaction.

Hello, World! networking event

Hello, World! networking event

Say "Hello" to the World and the World will say "Hello" to you!

I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

Build deeper team relationships

Ice Breakers

Ice Breakers

Breaking barriers and connecting people



Re-use code, collaborate, and use open practices inside your organisation.

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing

Share what we know, and what we wish to learn.

Leaders Eat Last

Leaders Eat Last

Building Trust Between Leaders and Teams

Lean Coffee

Lean Coffee

Democratically generated agendas for more valuable conversations

Lego Labs

Lego Labs

Experiment with processes for rapidly developing digital products. Go from problem to prototype with feedback and iterations while building a Colony on Mars (with legos)!

Limit Work in Progress

Limit Work in Progress

Pipes that aren't clogged increase the flow through the system

Manage Flow

Manage Flow

Optimize the processing work items

Means to End

Means to End

Define and communicate Vision, Mission, Strategy, Goals, Tactics & Objectives

Measuring Psychological Safety

Measuring Psychological Safety

How to measure the Psychological Safety in teams and organisations



Generar emociones positivas para el equipo y ayudar a desarrollar una mentalidad empática hacia los miembros del equipo.



Generate positive emotions for the team and help to develop an empathetic mindset towards team members



Resource mentors and mentees with structured mentoring.

Mob Programming

Mob Programming

Like pair programming but with the whole team

Mood Marbles

Mood Marbles

A mechanism for gauging team sentiment

Moving Motivators

Moving Motivators

Uncover what motivates your colleagues and yourself

Mutation Testing

Mutation Testing

Mutation testing is used to design new software tests and evaluate the quality of existing software tests.

Network Mapping

Network Mapping

Build a network of relationships in your organization or team

Niko Niko Calendar

Niko Niko Calendar

Are a visual tool that helps managers and teams measure happiness and motivation (Mood).



Handling the unknown unknowns.



Practice destroying and re-creating your applications

One Minute Mindfulness

One Minute Mindfulness

Calm the mind and body to help team members manage stress levels

One-word story

One-word story

This practice sharpens the ability of a team to listen and progress collectively.

Open Decision Framework

Open Decision Framework

How to make transparent, inclusive, and customer-centric decisions

Open Leadership Mindset

Open Leadership Mindset

A specific fusion of behaviors and mindsets characterizes the next generation of leaders.

Open Leader Persona

Open Leader Persona

Identify the mindset, challenges, behaviours, and strengths of open leaders

The Organum

The Organum

Structuring project knowledge to save time and reduce cognitive overload.

Pair Programming

Pair Programming

Increasing the knowledge sharing and communication between team members

Parking Lot (Car Park)

Parking Lot (Car Park)

A visible area to help track important items, ideas, questions, and issues that may not be important to discuss at the time, but the group does wish to discuss later.

Personal User Manuals

Personal User Manuals

Connecting with colleagues in a deep and meaningful way



Gamify group engagement

Ping-Pong Programming

Ping-Pong Programming

Where Pair Programming meets TDD

Plan Your Trip

Plan Your Trip

Manage risks by considering the 4Cs: Costs, Consequences, Context, and Choices.

Quote Wall

Quote Wall

A collection of quotes or phrases captured from the team that may be motivational, inspiring, or down-right hilarious!

Raison d'être

Raison d'être

Defining the teams reason for being

Realtime Retrospective

Realtime Retrospective

Getting feedback faster and improving the overall experience of your event.

Relative Sizing

Relative Sizing

Facilitate conversation and gain shared alignment on sizing of complexity and value

Risk Management

Risk Management

Identify potential problems that might occur during the course of your project and identify ways of avoiding them. Risks, which are occurring, will become issues.

ROAM Boards

ROAM Boards

A Foundational Practice for Risk Management

Rose Chart

Rose Chart

Identify knowledge gaps and create learning focus areas for team members

Service Level Indicators

Service Level Indicators

Quantify the quality of your service

Social Contract

Social Contract

Build a constructive, fun team culture

Stop the World Event

Stop the World Event

Empower team members to stop everything when they feel engagement is off course

Storytelling Framework

Storytelling Framework

Morph ideas into impactful, emotive stories to resonate with your audience.

Systemic Konsensing

Systemic Konsensing

How to find minimal viable decisions in a group

T2R2 - Talk, type, read, review!

T2R2 - Talk, type, read, review!

Help everyone be heard, understood, and move to act.

Team Canvas

Team Canvas

Achieve better team alignment, collaboration, and productivity.

Team Identity

Team Identity

Converting groups of individuals into high performing teams

Team Sentiment

Team Sentiment

Track the mood of a team with visible feedback

Team Workspaces

Team Workspaces

How to create the right workspace(s) for high-performing teams

Team Story

Team Story

Tracing the evolution of your teams.

Team Success Beacon

Team Success Beacon

Gather team sentiment and observations to incite team discussions

Test Automation

Test Automation

Shortening the feedback loop and increasing the quality of code.

Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development

Improving your software in short development cycles.

The Art Gallery

The Art Gallery

A collection of doodles that are captured from the team

The Matrix of Principles

The Matrix of Principles

A reflection tool to capture how stakeholders understand Deming's 14 Management Principles.

The Theory of Constraints

The Theory of Constraints

“Any improvements made anywhere besides the bottleneck are an illusion.”

Tribute Wall

Tribute Wall

Share and spread feedback to the whole team.

Ubiquitous Language

Ubiquitous Language

Unambigulously define the term and concepts of a business domain.

Unicorn, Skunk, Rat (USR)

Unicorn, Skunk, Rat (USR)

Ensure your meeting/workshop stays on track

Virtual Office

Virtual Office

Identify pre-existing dynamics and build team spirit when forming a new team

Visualisation of Work

Visualisation of Work

Visually represent all aspects of your team's work

Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

Visual Representation of how Value flows through your system and identify metrics to inform improvement decisions.

Westrums Cultural Typology Assessment

Westrums Cultural Typology Assessment

Organisational culture bears a predictive relationship with safety and performance



A game that aims to build confidence via simulated outage scenarios.

Yes! And...

Yes! And...

Improvise to create more good ideas, and build strong team work skills.

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